Croak / Anole!

All controls are via the mouse or touch-tap (we ran out of time!).

Make your way across the pond. Battle enemies to collect flies. Spend flies at the shop or heal.

How to Battle 

Eliminate red (enemy) discs by knocking them off the battle board 

Select a disc and place somewhere in the bottom (red highlighted section) 

Fire placed disc by clicking in the intended direction away from the disc - the further away, the more power! 

The middle circle will score 20 flies - but be careful not to knock enemy discs into it accidentally!  At the end of the round, the inner region is worth 15, the middle region 10 and the outermost regions 5 points. Your own discs score you flies you can spend at the shop or while resting, but any remaining enemy discs will damage your health!

Seasonal Terrain

As you proceed on the overworld, the seasons advance, which will shift which season of the board you fire from and which seasons the central regions will involve. Winter is incredibly icy, while summer is rough. Fall is windy and encourages discs to spin as much as they like, while spring supports new shoots and encourages straighter paths.

Upgraded Discs

You'll start the game with a bag of 8 basic stones that don't do anything special in particular, but with the shops you can add new stones to your bag that you may potentially draw in your 8 playable discs in a match.

Heavy - Exactly what it says on the tin. This disc is much heavier than a normal stone and absorbs incoming collisions. Try using it to bulldoze clumps of enemy discs at once!

Ghost - This agile disc starts its shot in 'ghost mode', and can pass freely through your own discs, the pegs and even the hole! It 'deghosts' when it first strikes an enemy disc, after which it can collide like normal. Use for difficult shots on discs on the far side of obstacles, but be wary if there's no enemies left on the board!

Heal - This disc is infused with the very essence of spring, rebirth and renewal. It heals the player when it is scored, and even heals a small amount on collisions. Try a multiple-collision combo shot to ramp up that collision multiplier!

V1.1 Post-jam Patch is Live!:

  • Fix the Fall Soft-lock: We no longer depend on the physics tracking or timers to decide when to end the shot physics or enemy turn physics. A little bit of motion and any amount of angular motion is permitted.
  • Discs on edge should clear before scoring:  in some cases an enemy disc could damage you for 5 HP right at the end when it should have been cleared
  • Don't have a season state that's right on the line: You'll always be in early [season] or late [season] and all events move the clock by a half or whole season
  • Properly reset the player and world state if you game over or win the game
  • Loop music on menu and overworld: We used a wav file here instead of an ogg that didn't innately loop, now the player restarts itself if still active
  • Show your status on book scene: You need to be able to see your health and flies to make educated decisions here, so we embed them into the resting book scene now
  • Season change happen on overworld load not leave: The launch version advanced time when you entered a battle, which would sometimes leave you seeing icy lily pads and winter on the clock, click to load the level and get a Spring level if it had been late enough in winter. Now, the time advancement happens when you enter the overworld instead of when you enter a sub-level
  • A win screen and some very basic story scenes: Just a very quick dialog to set up the dispute and resolve things post conflict.
  • A different water texture during winter
  • Preview the next enemy turn: A small transparent triangle on each enemy disc will preview which directly they will move next
  • Improved overworld graphics
  • More varied overworld layout and difficulty
  • Added water animation
  • Fixed hole SFX sometimes ending early
  • Adjusted final battle difficulty handling (add pegs to account for requests over 16 discs)
  • Double click to skip 'cinematics'

Development log

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